Opportunities Psychiatric Day Treatment

Opportunities is now accepting referrals!

Opportunities is a psychiatric day treatment program where people develop their own recovery journeys. Through the utilization of a variety of modalities Opportunities helps people achieve skills that allow them to move forward in their journey towards recovery. These opportunities include: Group Therapy, Skills Training and Education/Resource and Wellness Programs.

Group Therapy focuses on working with individuals to develop skills that help them cope with symptoms and/or barriers in their life. Individual therapy is also offered for people who have specific goals that suggest individual time would be beneficial.聽聽

Skills Training offers people the chance to practice skills they are learning while participating in a working social environment (restaurant and business office). The restaurant and business office allows participants to not only develop new skills but to enhance social skills and move forward in personal recovery goal.

Education/Resource and Wellness Programs includes access to computers and computer software programs that help build memory, attention and cognition skills as well as informational groups that focus on a variety of topics including self-care and healthy living as well as access to fitness equipment. Guest speakers are scheduled on occasion to present on various recovery topics.

Referrals for the Opportunities Psychiatric Day Treatment Program are made through:

Melissa Wentworth