Program for Assertive Community Treatment

The Program of Assertive Community Treatment (PACT) is an evidenced-based, service-delivery model that provides acute, active, ongoing and long-term community-based psychiatric treatment and assertive outreach, rehabilitation and support to persons ages 18+ with serious mental health conditions. A multi-disciplinary team, comprised of a psychiatrist, nurses, social workers, a vocational rehabilitation specialist, a forensic specialist, a housing specialist, a substance abuse specialist, and a peer specialist, provide an array of recovery-oriented treatment and services based on the individualized needs of the persons served. All team members provide services to individuals in their homes or in other settings of their choice. The team鈥檚 service delivery and treatment is integrated and coordinated with all other involved programs and community resources. The PACT team remains available 24-hours a day, 7-days a week, 365 days a year.

Referrals for PACT services are made exclusively through the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health (DMH).

For more information about PACT services, please contact:

Ashley Shields
Team Leader, PACT